Sunday, May 9, 2010

TED 2010: Halting Blood Vessels Key to New Cancer Treatment; Possibly Obesity

  • Dr. William Lee has recently made the connection that the treatments for cancer and obesity could be very similar, as both required a steady supply of blood to develop, making both prone to angiogenesis inhibitors.
  • Connecting these two, he realized that perhaps diet could have a major impact on cancer, similar to its effects on obesity.
  • Testing different foods, he found that extracts from foods like red grapes, strawberries, and soybeans could have an impact, and some, such as jasmine and sencha teas, would undergo a great increase in potency if combined, implying that the right combination of foods is the key.
  • When tested alongside current major angiogenesis inhibitors known as statins, some foods actually showed more potential than the drugs, not to mention the obvious extra nutritional benefits provided.
  • When similar tests were performed on obese mice, it was found that stricter regulation of angiogenesis could actually allow scientists to "cycle" the mices' weight up and down.
This is certainly an uplifting article; should more research show positive results, it would mean a simple, inexpensive way to control, health, obesity, and cancer all in one. If the results were to get enough publicity, it would force a major food overhaul in places like restaurants and supermarkets. Healthy food is definitely something that is very much needed in this country, and I do try to eat healthily, but it would be great if I did not have to try and food producers made better food instead of cheaper food. This would ultimately be a major success in the overall health of the entire country and others, especially seeing how those with less money would have the same edge in fighting off these diseases as the more wealthy. This is truly the type of research that needs to be done, research that will benefit all people, not just those who can afford it. Also the group of foods, which can be seen in the picture, is quite diverse as far as coming from different parts of the world, meaning other countries could benefit. In closing, this approach of looking from one angle at two approaches should be more widely used, as it would benefit all fields of almost everything.

"TED 2010: Halting Blood Vessels Key to New Cancer Treatment; Possibly Obesity | Epicenter |" Wired News. Web. 10 May 2010. .

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